The Barcelona Open Data Challenge

Helena is a member of the jury the Barcelona Open Data Challenge organized by the Open Data BCN. The Barcelona Dades Obertes Challenge is a test project from the Ajuntament de Barcelona, thought to promote the use of the open data available in the Open Data BCN portal 7G5A4357Bthrough a contest. It aims for the 3rd and 4th courses of ESO from the public centres in the city of Barcelona through the teachers and sums up to the learning based in projects. The contest includes teacher’s formation and a final public act with the presentation of each project. This test project aims to situate Barcelona as a leader in the introduction of the knowledge of open data in the educational scope.

See the video Repte Barcelona Dades Obertes.

BARG ands BGSMath Events


In collaboration with the Barcelona Graduate School of mathematics (BGSMath) and the Business Analytics research Group (BARG), Helena, together with other colleagues, is participating in three different events:


Presentation at Workshop WORLO III

DSC03099 (Large)Helena participated in the workshop WORLO III – WORKSHOP ON REAL LIFE OPTIMIZATION, 25-26 of January, Valencia, Spain. Helena presented a her work on “Iterated Local Search and Extensions”. In this talk, she presented the last advances of ILS to solve stochastic bilevel optimization problems!