
You can find a preprint version of most of the paper in the e-repositori UPF




  • De Armas J., Vieira B., Ramalhinho H. (2022), Optimizing an integrated home care problem: a heuristic-based decision-support system, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,  (repository)
  • Schettini, T., Malucelli, F. & Ramalhinho, H. (2022) Scheduling a pick and place packaging line. Journal of  Scheduling.
  • Portell L., Morera S., Ramalhinho H. (2022), Door-to-door Transportation Services for Reduced Mobility Population: A Descriptive Analytics of the city of Barcelona. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
  • De Armas J., Ramalhinho H. and Reynal-Querol M. (2022), Improving the accessibility to public schools in urban areas of developing countries through a location model and an analytical framework, PLOS ONE


  • De Armas J., Rodriguez-Pereira J. Vieira B. and Ramalhinho H. (2021), Optimizing Assistive Technology Operations for Ageing Populations, Sustainability, 13(12), 6925;
  • de Armas, J., Guillen, M., and Ramalhinho, H. (2021). Distribución geográfica de la población mayor, servicios de atención e incidencia de casos En la Covid-19: el caso de la ciudad de Barcelona. Envejecimiento y COVID-19. Seminario Ageingnomics 2020, pp. 12–29. Madrid: Fundación MAPFRE.


  • Fabri M., Ramalhinho H., Oliver M. and Muñoz J.C. (2020), Internal Logistics Flows Simulation: a case study in automotive industry, Journal of Simulation.
  • Nogueira, T.H., Ramalhinho, H.L., de Carvalho, C.R.V. & Gomez-Ravetti M. (2020), A hybrid VNS-Lagrangean heuristic framework applied on single machine scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times, release dates and due dates. Optimization Letters (online)


    • Ramalhinho Lourenço, H., Martin, O. and Stützle, T. (2019), Iterated Local Search: Framework and Applications. In Handbook of Metaheuristics, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 272, Gendreau, J.-Y. Potvin (eds.), Springer International Publishing AG 129-168, DOI 978-3-319-91086-4_5.
    • Fabri M., Ramalhinho H., Gomez-Ravetti M. & Souza M.C. (2019), The Adapted Lagrangean Relaxation for the Flow shop Scheduling Problem with Release Dates and Delivery Times, Journal of Advanced Transportation. Article ID 3176074.
    • Nazário Coelho V., Coelho I.M., Mladenović N., Ramalhinho H., Satoru Ochi L., Guimarães F.G., Souza M.J.F. (2019) Less Is More: The Neighborhood Guided Evolution Strategies Convergence on Some Classic Neighborhood Operators. In: Sifaleras A., Salhi S., Brimberg J. (eds) Variable Neighborhood Search. ICVNS 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11328. Springer, Cham.
    • Oliveira T.A., Coelho V.N., Ramalhinho H., Oliver M. (2019) Digital Cities and Emerging Technologies. In: Nazário Coelho V., Machado Coelho I., A. Oliveira T., Ochi L. (eds) Smart and Digital Cities. Urban Computing. Springer, Cham. DOI 1007/978-3-030-12255-3_12
    • Pagès-Bernaus A., Ramalhinho H., Juan A.A., Calvet L. (2019), Designing E-commerce Supply Chains: a stochastic facility-location approach, International Transactions in Operational Research 26:2, 507-528. Preprint
    • Rankothge W., Ramalhinho H. and Lobo J. (2019), On the Scaling of Virtualized Network Functions. Proceedings of IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, 8-12 April 2019, Washington DC, USA.
    • Ramalhinho, H., (2019) Iterated Local Search: Applications and Extensions, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES) February 19-21, 2019., Prague, Czech Republic. Greg H. Parlier, Federico Liberatore, Marc Demange (editors) ISBN: 978-989-758-352-0, pp. 7-15.




      • Coelho V.N., Grasas A., Ramalhinho H., Coelho I.M., Souza M.J.F. (2016), An ILS-based Algorithm to Solve a Large-scale Real Heterogeneous Fleet VRP with Multi-trips and Docking Constraints, European Journal of Operational Research 250 (2): 367–376. Preprint
      • Ferrer A., Guimarans D., Ramalhinho H.R. and Juan A.A. (2016), A BRILS Metaheuristic For Non-Smooth Flow-Shop Problems with Failure-Risk Costs, Expert Systems with Applications 44: 177–186.
      • Grasas A., Juan, A.A. and Lourenço H.R. (2016), SimILS: A Simulation-based extension of the Iterated Local Search metaheuristic for Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization, Journal of Simulation 10(1), 69–77. Preprint
      • Grasas, A. and Ramalhinho, H. (2016), Teaching Distribution Planning: A Problem-based Learning Approach. International Journal of Logistics Management 27(2): 377 – 394.
      • Galvani M, Ramalhinho H. Malucelli F. (2016), Solving a Home Health Care Routing Problem through Iterated Local Search: the real case of Ferrara, in Proceeding of the XI Congreso Español de Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados (MAEB 2016) – track XVII Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial) (CAEPIA 2016), Salamanca, España, September 14-16, 2016





      • Lourenço H.R. and Ribeiro R. (2012), Strategies for an Integrated Distribution Problem, in Hybrid Algorithms for Service, Computing and Manufacturing Systems: Routing, Scheduling and Availability Solutions, Montoya-Torres J.R., Juan A.A., Huaccho L., Faulin J. and Rodriguez-Verjan G.(eds) IGI Global Books, Hershey, PA. pp. 98-121. Article.
        • Data Files for the “Strategies for an Integrated Distribution Problem”
      • Cáceres J., Grasas A., Lourenço H.R., Juan A.A., Roca M. and Colomé R. (2012), Aplicación de un algoritmo randomizado a un problema real de enrutamiento de vehículos heterogéneos.  In Proceeding of the VIII Congreso Español sobre Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados, MAEB’2012 F. Rodriguez, B. Mélian, J.A. Moreno, J.M. Moreno (Eds.) Albacete, Spain, February 8-10, pp. 767-773. ISBN 978-84-615-6931-1. Article.
      • Juan A.A., Lourenço H.R., Mateo M., Grasas A. and Agustín A. (2012), Combinando Randomización Sesgada y Búsqueda Local Iterativa para Resolver Problemas de Flow-Shop.  In Proceeding of the VIII Congreso Español sobre Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados, MAEB’2012 F. Rodriguez, B. Mélian, J.A. Moreno, J.M. Moreno (Eds.) Albacete, Spain, February 8-10, pp. 779-784. ISBN 978-84-615-6931-1. Article.


      • Lourenço H.R., Martin O. and Stützle T. (2010), Iterated Local Search: Framework and Applications. In Handbook of Metaheuristics, 2nd. Edition. Vol.146.  M. Gendreau and J.Y. Potvin (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, pp. 363-397.Article




      • Fernandes, S. and Lourenço H.R. (2007). A GRASP and branch-and-bound metaheuristic for the job-shop scheduling. Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, C. Cotta and J. Van Hemert (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science4446: 60-71. ISSN: 0302-9743. Article.
      • Pérez-Vázquez M.E., Gento-Municio A.G. and Lourenço H.R. (2007), Solving a Concrete Sleepers Production Scheduling by Genetic Algorithms. European Journal of Operational Research 179(3): 605-620. Preprint
      • Fernandes S. and Lourenço H.R. (2007), Hybrids Combining Local Search Heuristics with Exact Algorithms. In Proceeding of the V Congreso Español sobre Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados, MAEB’2007, F. Rodriguez, B. Mélian, J.A. Moreno, J.M. Moreno (Eds.) Tenerife, Spain, February 14-16, pp. 269-274. ISBN 978-84-690-3470-5. Article.
      • Fernandes S. and Lourenço H.R. (2007), A Simple Optimized Search Heuristic for the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem. In Proceeding of the V Congreso Español sobre Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados, MAEB’2007 F. Rodriguez, B. Mélian, J.A. Moreno, J.M. Moreno (Eds.) Tenerife, Spain, February 14-16, pp. 763-770. ISBN 978-84-690-3470-5. Article.


  • Lourenço  H.R. (2005), Logistics Management: an opportunity for Metaheuristics. InMetaheuristics Optimization via Memory and Evolution, C. Rego and B. Alidaee (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 329-356.  ISBN 978-1-4020-8134-7. Article
  • Lourenço  H.R. (2005), e-logística. In La logística empresarial en el nuevo milenio(Business Logistics for the new millennium), Daniel Serra (editor), Gestión 2000, Barcelona. ISBN 84-8088-981-0. (in Spanish). Article. link
  • Lourenço H.R. (2005), Multiobjective metaheuristics for integrated logistics problems. In Proceeding of the CEDI’2005 (I Congreso Español de Informática), IV Congreso Español sobre Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados, MAEB’2005, G. Arenas, F. Herrera, M. Lozano, J.J. Merelo, G. Romero, A.M. Sánchez (Eds.) Granada, Spain, September 13-16, pp. 263-270. ISBN 84-9732-440-4. Article.
  • Soto J.P. and Lourenço H.R. (2005), An heuristic for the collaborative production planning model with returns. In Proceeding of the CEDI’2005 (I Congreso Español de Informática), IV Congreso Español sobre Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados, MAEB’2005, G. Arenas, F. Herrera, M. Lozano, J.J. Merelo, G. Romero, A.M. Sánchez (Eds.) Granada, Spain, September 13-16, pp. 297-304. ISBN 84-9732-440-4. Article.
  • Giménez C. and Lourenço H.R. (2005), A review on e-SCM topics. In Proceeding of the Decision Sciences Institute International Conference, IESE, Barcelona, Spain, July 3-6, pp. 805-815. ISBN 0-9667118-2-3.
  • Ribeiro R. and Lourenço H.R. (2005), A new model and heuristic for a multi-period inventory-routing problem. In Proceeding of the Decision Sciences Institute International Conference, IESE, Barcelona, Spain, July 3-6, pp. 403-414. ISBN 0-9667118-2-3. Article.
  • Soto J.P., Giménez C. and Lourenço H.R. (2005), Reverse Logistics in the editorial sector: an exploratory study. In Proceeding of the 10th International Symposium on Logistics, Lisbon, Portugal, July 3-5, pp. 590-595. ISBN 0-85358-216-5. Article.


      • Soto J.P. and Lourenço H.R. (2004), Caso: La logística inversa en el sector editorial. In Logística Inversa y Medioambiente, Díaz Fernández, B.A.; Alvarez, M.J. & Gonzalez, P. (authors), McGraw-Hill, 2004. ISBN 84-481-4180-6. (in Spanish) Link
      • Giménez C. and Lourenço H.R. (2004), e-Supply Chain Management: review, implications and directions for future research. In Proceeding of the EUROMA conference, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, 27-29 June, pp. 1021-1031. ISBN 2-9522210-0-6. Link to the working paper.
      • Lourenço H.R. (2004), Enseñar metaheurísticas en Facultades o Departamentos de Economía y Empresa (Teaching Metaheuristics at Business and Economic Schools). In Proceedings of The Third Spanish Congress in Metaheuristics, Evolutive and Bioinspired Algorithms, MAEB’2004, C. Hervás, N. García, F.J.Martínez, D. Ortiz & S. Ventura (Eds) Córdoba, Spain, February 4-6, pp. 322-328. ISBN 84-688-4224-9.


      • Colomé R., Serra D. and Lourenço H.R. (2003), A new chance-constrained maximum capture location problem. Annals of  Operations Research 122 (1-4): 121-139. ISBN 0254-5330. Article. Link
      • Lourenço H.R., Martin O. and Stützle T. (2003), Iterated Local Search. In Handbook of Metaheuristics, F. Glover and G. Kochenberger, (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, pp. 321-353. ISBN 978-1-4020-7263-5. Preprint
      • Soto J.P. and Lourenço H.R. (2003), A recoverable production planning model. In Proceedings of the XXVII Congreso SEIO de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. pp.2731-2776.
      • Ribeiro R. and Lourenço H.R. (2003), Inventory-Routing Problem, for a multi-period problem with stochastic and deterministic demand. In Proceedings of The Second Spanish Congress in Metaheuristics, Evolutive and Bioinspired Algorithms, MAEB’2003, Gijón, Spain, February 5-7, pp. 257-265. ISBN 84-607-65-26-1. Article.


      • Finger M., Stützle T. and Lourenço H.R. (2002), Exploiting fitness distance correlation of set covering problems. In Applications of Evolutionary Computing, S. Cagnoni, J. Gottlieb, E. Hart, M. Middendorf, and G.R. Raidl (Eds.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2279:61-71. ISSN: 0302-9743.
      • Lourenço H.R. and Serra D. (2002), Adaptive search heuristics for the generalized assignment problem. Mathware and Soft Computing  9(2-3): 209-234. ISSN 1134-5632. Preprint
      • Lourenço H.R. (2002), Heurísticas adaptativas para el problema de asignación generalizada (Adaptive heuristics for the generalized assignment problem). InProceedings of The First Spanish Congress in Evolutive and Bioinspired Algorithms, Merida, Spain, February 6-7, pp. 267-257. ISBN 84-607-3913-9. Article.


      • Lourenço H.R., Paixão J.P. and Portugal R. (2001), Multiobjective metaheuristics for the bus-driver scheduling problem. Transportation Science 35(3): 331-343. ISSN: 00411655. Article. Link
      • Ribeiro R. and Lourenço H.R. (2001), A multi-objective model for a Multi-period Distribution Management Problem. In Proceeding of the First International Conference on Integrated Logistics, Singapore, pp. 463-471, August.  ISBN: 981-04-4562-8.Article.
      • Lourenço H.R., Martin O. and Stützle T. (2001), A beginner’s introduction to Iterated Local Search. In Proceeding of the 4th Metaheuristics International Conference, Porto, Portugal, pp. 1-11. Article.


      • Martí R., Lourenço H.R. and Laguna M. (2000), Assigning Proctors to Exams with Scatter Search. In Computing Tools for Modeling, Optimization and Simulation, M. Laguna and J.L. González Velarde (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 215-228. ISBN: 978-0-7923-7718-4. Article. Link
      • Lourenço H.R., Paixão J.P. and Portugal R. (2000), Geração de Serviços de Motoristas através de Metaheurística- Sistema GIST (The GIST system for public transportation: the bus-driver scheduling module), in Casos de Aplicação da Investigação Operacional (Industrial Applications of Operations Research), L. Valadares Tavares and C. Henggeler Antunes (Eds.), McGraw-Hill, pp. 168-184. ISBN 972-773-075-2.  (in Portuguese). Link to the Working Paper in English.


      • Lourenço H.R. and Bruno P.M. (1998), New ramification rules in a branch-and-bound method to solve the job-shop scheduling problem. Investigação Operacional (Journal of the Portuguese Operations Research Society) 18: 3-16. ISSN 0874-5161 Link


      • Lourenço H.R. (1996), Sevast’yanov algorithm for the flow-shop scheduling problem.European Journal of Operational Research 91(1): 176-189. ISSN 0377-2217.ArticleLink
      • Lourenço HR. and Zwijnenburg M. (1996), Combining the large-step optimization with tabu-search: application to the job-shop scheduling problem. In Meta-Heuristics: Theory and Applications, I.H. Osman and J.P. Kelly (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 219-236. ISBN: 978-0-7923-9700-7. Article. Link


    • Lourenço H.R. (1995), Job-Shop Scheduling: computational study of local search and large-step optimization methods. European Journal of Operational Research 83(2): 347-364. ISSN 0377-2217. Link
    • Bjorndal M.H., Caprara A., Cowling P.I., Della-Croce F., Lourenço H.R., Malucelli F., Orman A.J., Pisinger D., Rego C. and Salazar J.J. (1995), Some thoughts on combinatorial optimization. European Journal of Operational Research 83(2): 253-270. ISSN 0377-2217. Link