Category Archives: Teaching

Visit to RMIT, Melbourne, Australia

Helena taught a course on Metaheuristics for Combinatorial Optimization at the RMIT, Melbourne, Australia.

Erasmus+The course was financially supported by the ERASMUS+ International Program. Helena would like to thank the program and  all the team at the “Servei de Relacions Internacionals” of UPF that have helped in making this course possible.

RMIT2019The course will focus on Metaheuristics applied to Combinatorial Optimization to solve large-scale business problems based on the scientific method. Combinatorial Optimization problems like Routing, Location, and Scheduling problems will be described. Heuristics and metaheuristics algorithms, two relevant methodologies to solve these problems, are presented and explained in detail. It will be also presented some real applications of these problems in different areas as Operations Management, Healthcare, Marketing, Logistics, Supply Chain Management, etc. Finally, it will be discussed several real applications of metaheuristics to solve combinatorial optimization in different businesses as for example Seat, Inditex (Zara), CatLab, Area de Guissona, etc. Continue reading

Doctoral School of ASOCIO

ED_Helena_1 ED_Helena_3Helena Ramalhinho participates as invited professor in the Doctoral School organized by  the Colombian Association of Operational Research (ASOCIO) (“Escuela Doctoral de la Asociación Colombiana de Investigación de Operaciones”) held in Cali, Colombia in June 2018. She gave a 6 hours course about Metaheuristics and Applications.

She also visit the ITM (Instituto Tecnologico Metropolitano) and University of Medellin at Medellin and gave a talk in both universities.


Business Logistics Course @ UPF

The last quarter, Helena taught the Business Logistics course at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. About 120 students, from UPF and interchange students from different countries, attended the course. The students have done several activities including two blogs:

and a visit to Mango Logistics Center at Parets.

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