Plenary Speaker at the HM2016

Helena Ramalhinho is one of the Plenary Speakers of the 10th International Workshop on Hybrid Metaheuristics

The title of the talk is “From ILS to Hybrid ILS … and other extensions“.

Abstract: Iterated Local Search (ILS) is a conceptually simple and efficient Metaheuristic. The main idea behind ILS is to drive the search not on the full space of all candidate solutions but on the solutions that are returned by some underlying algorithm, typically a local search heuristic. This method has been applied to many different optimization problems with more than 5,000 entries in Google Scholar. In this talk, we will review briefly the ILS method and focus on the extensions of ILS as the hybrid ILS approaches, the different hybridizations implementations and the advantages and disadvantages of these hybridizations. We will also discuss other ILS extensions as the SimILS (Simulation+ILS) to solve Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization Problems, and the MoILS, to solve Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization Problems. In addition, we will review the most important applications of ILS and extensions in different areas, from Supply Chain Management to Health Care. Finally, future research topics will be presented.